Our Philosophy

  • A Family Chiropractor Philosophy

    The body has inherent power to restore and heal itself without the use of unnecessary drugs or surgery. At A Family Chiropractor, we use traditional hands on treatment followed by corrective spinal adjusting techniques, structure, balance and flexibility can be restored and the nervous system better integrated to provide healing and restorative vigour to the body.

    We influence structure to restore function.


chiropractic lifestyle advice

Chiropractic Lifestyle Advice in Sydney


We often find it helpful to “coach” our patients on certain activities they should avoid or do differently to avoid aggravating their particular health challenge. Our goal is to help every chiropractic patient achieve a fulfilling and happy lifestyle full of the activities they enjoy most. We recognize that each of our patients are a whole person, and help them reach true health and wellness is a collaborate effort between our chiropractic doctors and our patients.


One definition of 'Health' is that it is the body's ability to accurately assess and appropriately respond to life's stressors.

Subluxations (or spinal mis-alignments) throughout the physical body interfere with the brain's communication to every organ, muscle, tissue, system, gland and cell. Your Chiropractor in St Marys will use adjustments to restore joint function and reduce the detrimental effects of subluxations, thus enabling the body to approach its optimum health potential.


There needs to be some degree of physical fitness in order to maximise health. Just 30 minutes of physical activity each day can significantly enhance your health and wellness. Physical exercise can lead to:

  • Increased bone strength
  • Increased physical work capacity (your ability to perform physical work)
  • An Increased range of motion or flexibility of the joints
  • An Improved sense of well being
  • Increased muscular strength
  • Improved glucose regulation (very favourable for diabetics)
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Improved sleep patterns and levels of anxiety
  • Making you feel better


Treatment is tailored to your individual need and implemented to the highest standards of care.